Friday, May 06, 2005


Arse cakes! Giant bloody arse cakes! Last night me and Mrs MaFt decided to put up the curtain tie-backs we've had for about 3 years. All nice and simple:
  1. remove the old ones
  2. drill a couple of holes
  3. insert rawlplugs
  4. screw
  5. tie curtains back
However, at point 2 things went wrong. There's was a loud, crackly bang and a rather bright flash and the burglar alarm went off. Seems that I had gone straight through a mains cable... Shit... Well, at least we still had lights; and the fuse box worked...

Emergency call to big bruvva Tim and after he'd had his soup he called round. He spent about an hour and a bit patching it up so we could get some power back on. On closer inspection we saw that I had gone straight through the very middle of the cable - literally dead-center! I have a couple of photo's that I'll upload over the weekend.

Later we're going to make it into a socket so we only need to replace about 3 feet of cable / wall rather than about 30! At least we'll be able to have a lamp on the window-sill without the cable hanging down for baby MaFt to pull at. You see, something good usually comes out of my cock-ups!

Who'd have thought that there would be 4 mains cables going up next to the window?! Next time I'll use one of those 'hidden wire and pipe' detectors.

Coulda done with one of these...
Coulda done with one of these...


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