Thursday, March 31, 2005

Rules To Live Life By

I have a new rule for when I'm on the train to/from work. Well, at least for the 23 remaining train journeys to/from work. Here's my rule: if someone has white earphones in then I don't give them right of way. Simple, isn't it?

It bugs me how many people have iPods, when clearly the Creative Zen Xtra's are much better (cheaper, larger capacity, better sound quality etc), and the Zen Touch and Zen Micro are just sexy (yes, that's the official technical description). So there, advert over.


PS - in case you missed it the other day:

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Episode IV - A New Link

I got told off yesterday by Bli. You know why? Cos I didn't have a link to his site. so, here you go mate:

Bli is an animator turned computer person who's resume includes (but is not limited to): Super Ted, The Raggy Dolls, Spider, Bubba n Stix, Breed etc etc etc. Check out his site for lotsa stuff!

There, I have redeemed myself (just look at the size of that link!!)


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

On The Move

I handed my notice in at work today. It was kinda scary and a bit nerve wracking, but I managed! I'm off to work for Nektar in Bradford. It's much nearer home, get paid more money and erm, what else? er... other things too (I'll leave you thinking!).

So there, that's it for now! Don't forget if you like dance-pop-punk then check out the latest offerings from The Chucky No Stars - they truly do rock! They're on tour at the moment and I'm gonna miss the Bradford date as we're out for a meal. Nevermind, maybe next time!


Friday, March 18, 2005

Never Mind The Bollocks

I saw my new favourite poster / advert this morning. I saw it while I was on the bus to work - it was in the window of a pet shop and it's bright pink and yellow colour made it jump out at me. It said simply:

gET yoUr CAt doNE FoR FreE


caLL 01274.......

Now, you're probably thinking: "why does MaFt like this poster so much that he made a whole blog entry about it?" Well, I'll tell you. The whole poster was in the style of the Sex Pistols' album "Never Mind The Bollocks" and I just thought that it was so appropriate for an advert that essentially says, "we'll cut off yer cats bollocks for nowt".

I'll try get a photo of it on my phone over the weekend, but for now you can have these two:

Never Mind The Bollocks
A Sex Pistols album

A Cat With Balls
A cat with balls


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Caramel Corn Flavoured Blisters

I burnt my hand the other night on an oven door. A big, industrial oven door made out of metal for ease of cleaning and ease of burning hands. I have a rather large blister the shape and size of a jelly bean. In fact, after a bit of research, I discovered that if it were a Jelly Belly it would be Caramel Corn flavour.

When it bursts, which it will (I have no doubt about that), I'll let you know if it tastes like it too...


Thursday, March 10, 2005

Exclusive To The Blog!

Oi oi! I've almost finished a song that I'm almost happy with - just the 2nd verse still needs a bit of doctoring / butchering. I wrote the lyrics just before Christmas when I was fed up of people telling us what we should be doing and basically trying to run our lives for us - I think this comes out quite clearly...

Anyway, here it is (obviously without the music!):

Don't Say - by MaFt

Bored of where I am; unsure of where I'm going,
Can't change my destiny if it even exists.
Told what to do, told what to think about,
Told who to see, can't I choose for myself?

Decisions are made everyday affecting everyone,
Can't they just keep to themselves? Stay away from me.
I'll make my own decision, it's my life.
You'd take away my choice but I won't let you.

We'll be us, you be you; let's keep it that way.
We'll get away one day from your pseudo-control;
You see, you have no say in how we do what we do.
There will come a time when we'll be unique.

Decisions are made everyday affecting everyone,
Can't they just keep to themselves? Stay away from us.
We'll make our own decisions, it's our life.
You'd take away our choice but we won't let you.

We'll be our own entity.
Choose what we want when we want.
Where that might take us, we're still unsure;
We as one, not as you.

Nothing Much...

I don't have anything to write really. I just felt obliged to put something on here. So I am... Maybe if I keep writing the the million monkeys on their million typewriters in my brain will make a master piece. I'll ask them and see what they come up with...

Hang on...

Erm, well, I asked them and this is what they came up with: "Skoirjs nfgoi4a vnorioi, asn ndvs8slfba"

Don't blame me for talking crap, it was the monkey's. Although going by the famous phrase of "Monkey see, monkey do" that must mean that they've seen me talking crap before. Dammit!


Monday, March 07, 2005

Search Engine Shenanigans

The Top 10 Search Phrases for during February 2005 were:

1. rory the tiger
2. rory the tiger - so cool
3. chucky no stars
4. big cook little cook
5. chris higgin
6. weebl and bob
7. leeds met gigs
8. leeds met uni gigs
9. offspring americana bootleg
10. ebay

Every single one of those has some kind of musical link! I am guessing that the Rory The Tiger references are from the list of cd's that I own (oh, come on; how many of you can say you never bought a crap CD from Haven Holidays?); The Chucky No Stars are a very fine musical band; Big Cook Little Cook quite often make songs while they cook (I think I mentioned them on my old 'A New Thing' blog); Chris Higgin does back-up vocals for The Offspring (I have no idea where this link came from!); Weebl and Bob have music in their animations, and Weebl was the inventor of the insanely catchy site/song; Leeds Met (Uni) Gigs are clearly concert/music type searches; Offspring Americana Bootleg is, again, about The Offspring; and, finally, eBay sells music.

It fascinates me, every month, to read how people arrived at my site. Strangely enough, only 1 person since last October has got to the site by searching for 'MaFt'...

Friday, March 04, 2005

Utter Gayness

Cheeky git Leon made this:
It's not real, promise!

It's me and Dave The Nut (The Toy Dolls / Jalapeno Drums) in a rather sticky situation... I assure you, however, that it is NOT real, it has been doctored on a computer. ANyone who says otherwise is a liar...

Nothing else caught my attention today.


Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Great Cheese Debate

Yorkshire Feta cheese. Should it exist? Should Greece be given a monopoly over it's production? Should you give a s**t?! For those of you who have been asleep for the last few years and have not heard about this sEUd (stupid European Union demand [it's a new phrase that I just made up]) then have a read of this: [link]

If you couldn't be bothered reading it, then I'll paraphrase for you. Basically, the EU has decided to try to make it illegal to make Feta cheese outside Greece (even though the term 'Feta' refers to the style of cheese made around the Mediteranean and not specifically Greece). There is a company in Yorkshire called Shepherds Purse who have been making Yorkshire Feta since 1987 and should the sEUd be fulfilled they will have to stop making it. It really is pathetic and should it happen I will start a (one man) campaign to make it illegal to make Yorkshire Puddings outside of Yorkshire - I'm sure Shepherds Purse will back me up.

Feta Cheese
Feta Cheese

Yorkshire Pudding
Yorkshire Pudding


Wednesday, March 02, 2005


When my niece Caitlin was a baby, was she a Caitling?

Brother Andy and Caitlin(g)
Brother Andy and Caitlin(g)
