Tuesday, September 20, 2005


No, I'm not on a mission from Microsoft, but just telling my dear readers that we now have a window in the attic. However, Steve-The-Builder has removed the loft ladder so I couldn't get up to see what else he did yesterday... I'd also post some photo's of the work so far but my computer is turned off ready for when he starts knocking walls down and has to switch off the electrics.

I hate turning my computer off! It freaks me out every time! I don't know why though, I think I just got used to it being on all the time and panic that it won't start up again later on... If I had wood I'd touch it (that sounds a bit rude) in the hope that it will assist in restoring power to my PC. Question for you: where does the phrase 'touch wood' come from? I could google it but can't be bothered - today I want the moon on a stick.

Take care


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