Had a great weekend! Saturday was spent relaxing in the sun listening to the football on the radio for a bit then headed over to Halifax for a bit of shopping while it was quiet. Mini-MaFt isn't far from walking now, he managed 2 steps and can toddle about for a while if he's holding onto someones fingers.
Mini-MaFt posing in his England kit
On Sunday the weather continued to be officially 'rather hot' on the MaFt scale of warmness. Mrs-MaFt had a set of 2 nights to do at work so in the afternoon while she had a nap I headed down to Brother-T and family's house with Mini-MaFt. Sat about in the garden drinking a few beers and playing football with the kids and going on the slide. Ended up staying for quite a while before getting pizza for tea and heading off home.
Yesterday I had the day off work to watch Mini-MaFt while Mrs-MaFt slept. Ended up going over to Shibden Park in Halifax with Mr, Mrs and Mini-L. Had some dead nice ice cream and plonked the kids (Mini-L is a few months younger than Mini-MaFt) on the various swings and slides after having walked around the boating lake that seemed to be surrounded by ducklings! Mrs-L had just got a new camera so was in 'doting parent' mode - I just referred to her as Jonathan after a guy at church who used to take pictures of everything and everyone... It has to be said that she wasn't impressed with that! Still, she got some good photo's - just hope she can figure out how to email them to me. We got back and let the Mini's play on the field while we sat on the rocks and had a few drinks.
Today I came to work...
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