How do they know? I mean, in this day and age of companies being sued for false descriptions on their products, how do they know that their toilet paper really is as soft as a kitten? I might try it out just to see, but unfortunately I don't know anyone with a kitten - offers anyone? I could do a test to see if it is Catsoft - making use of both Kia and Tinkle as test subjects.
Surely though, the degree of softness depends on personal reasoning? What may be soft on my arse is not neccesarily soft on yours. Just how soft is Kittensoft on The International Scale of Soft Things? The International Scale of Soft Things is pretty complex, as you can see below, but no matter how hard I look I can't see Kitten on there. Cat is on there if you look hard enough but not Kitten - maybe Kittensoft is a trademark for something that is actually Catsoft? Who knows...?
I wonder if Kittensoft bog roll has on its packaging "Not tested on animals"? Maybe it isn't tested ON animals but surely part of their tests should be using animals on peoples rear-ends?
Frankly the whole idea of Kittensoft bog-roll is a bit weird... even to me!
PS - Barnze, it's not made from kittens, it's just as soft as them ;(cheers for the idea too)
we will have some soon ... but you can't have any!
what, not even for the course of scientific research?!
Hey there, I'm the person who alerted the world to Kitten Soft.
This isn't an angry post, I think it's pretty cool you're using my image but I'm just very intrigued as to how you came across my blog...
hey sarah, i got eh idea from a post Barnze made and then just did a google for kitten soft! apologies for raping your bandwidth... i don't normally do it, honest!!!
I'll go have a read of your blog to make up for it :D
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