Well, the 'Help Save Kia' auction seems to be off to a fairly good start, but do please bid on some of the other stuff!
Last night I watched 'X-Factor - Battle of the Stars'. ITV are clearly not content with the more generic 'Celebrity Reality-TV-Show' name like everyone else does, no, they have to show off their amazing talent at their 'Name A Program' department. 'Battle of the Stars' is a bit of a misnomer - they're hardly battling, merely singing karaoke. They're not even singing at each other - just one after the other. ITV appear to be able to come up with original names for their celebrity programs, but how about coming up with some actual original programs too? Not just ITV though, everyone else as well - I'm fed up of Nanny-house-of-tiny-celebrity-big-brother-chef-island-surviving programmes - the odd one or two I can cope with, but please don't make it a yearly, tortuous plan... TV's bad enough as it is...
Still, Chris Moyles made me laugh with his 'Mum, Simon Cowell likes me!' comment.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Help Save Kia!
Help us pay our vets bill!! You may notice though that there's nothing actually on eBay yet... but there will be soon!
Help us pay our vets bill!! You may notice though that there's nothing actually on eBay yet... but there will be soon!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Poor Cat
Kia, the loveable tubby fluff ball, got wolloped by a car yesterday... When we got back from work she was laying pegged out on the doorstep and i wondered why she wasn't rushing to get indoors. We soon figured it out when she couldn't stand up and her back end went limp...
After a quick clean up (it's hard for a cat to wipe their bum when they can't use their back legs!) and a check for any obvious cuts or breakages I got her down to the vets. Today she had her dislocated hip popped back in place and they've been having to squeeze her bladder as it appears to have been damaged with the impact/crush. They're hoping the bladder will mend itself but they're not 100% sure yet. Now, I don't usually claim to have any psychic abilities, I'm more of a large than a medium, but I foresee a rather large vets bill. Especially as I've just found out she needs to stay in for a few more days too!
I have a cunning plan though to get financial help for the vets bill: flog some useless crap on ebay with a great big sob story about Kia along with lovely cute pictures to go with it. Someone will bid, well, if someone pays a tenner for a 'lonely chewit' (I kid you not) then someone's gotta buy some junk to help out a loveable little(ish) cat!
I'll post links once I've decided what to sell; I may have to sell my rubber TomTom Go - a lovely little item given to me by TomTom themselves. Basically a stress ball in the shape of a TomTom Go. I wonder if there's a market for dead batteries with interesting history...? Any idea's would be appreciated!

Ta-ra for now
PS - Barnze, don't say 'I told you so' about owning cats cos I'll only come hunt you down and do cyber-graffiti on your blog :oP
After a quick clean up (it's hard for a cat to wipe their bum when they can't use their back legs!) and a check for any obvious cuts or breakages I got her down to the vets. Today she had her dislocated hip popped back in place and they've been having to squeeze her bladder as it appears to have been damaged with the impact/crush. They're hoping the bladder will mend itself but they're not 100% sure yet. Now, I don't usually claim to have any psychic abilities, I'm more of a large than a medium, but I foresee a rather large vets bill. Especially as I've just found out she needs to stay in for a few more days too!
I have a cunning plan though to get financial help for the vets bill: flog some useless crap on ebay with a great big sob story about Kia along with lovely cute pictures to go with it. Someone will bid, well, if someone pays a tenner for a 'lonely chewit' (I kid you not) then someone's gotta buy some junk to help out a loveable little(ish) cat!
I'll post links once I've decided what to sell; I may have to sell my rubber TomTom Go - a lovely little item given to me by TomTom themselves. Basically a stress ball in the shape of a TomTom Go. I wonder if there's a market for dead batteries with interesting history...? Any idea's would be appreciated!
Ta-ra for now
PS - Barnze, don't say 'I told you so' about owning cats cos I'll only come hunt you down and do cyber-graffiti on your blog :oP
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Kicking Up A Fuss
Who needs 'The Da Vinci Code' when holding a night of punk worship appears to cause as much contraversy:
"Punk strikes wrong chord
SIR Sunbridge Road Mission holds a "Punk/Rock Worship event" (T&A, May 4), I know that Sunbridge Road has always been a church of lively Christian witness.
I am old enough to have listened to preaching by Fred Mitchell, one-time Darley Street chemist and Sunbridge Road stalwart who died in an early jet airliner accident as he returned from visiting a missionary enterprise in China.
Many young folk will gladly rock and roll in clubs and also, if encouraged, in church. But punk?
The weekly supplement of a provincial newspaper recently carried a nasty, sneering photograph of Johnny Rotten, punk pioneer. An article appreciative of the punk movement referred to a ground-breaking punk song Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue.
I recall a 13-year-old lad whom I taught more than 25 years ago pleasant-natured, willing, though not very bright. He was persuaded, perhaps by an older punk enthusiast, to do as that song suggested.
His behaviour, his whole nature, changed. I hope that punk ideas and practices did not wreck his subsequent life.
Douglas Hartley, Irving Terrace, Clayton"
A few responses have been sent so we'll see if any get published:
"Sir, as one of the organisers of the Punk Worship event at Sunbridge Road Mission I would like to respond to the comments made by Mr Hartley. Rock and punk music are very closely associated but the fact is, that the phrase 'punk' is to do with one's lifestyle. It is common knowledge that being 'punk' is about going against the grain of the world and breaking from the mould of the world - not sniffing glue as in the Ramones song you mentioned. Therefore, the 'punk' element of the night was not only the style of the music, but also about going against the world's non-Christian standards and actually worshipping a living God. The fact that 'punk' is associated with negative connotations is what we want to change and that change started last Saturday. The theme of the evening was about going all out for God and not caring what the world says about you, about putting God first and understanding that God accepts our worship and praise in whatever format we offer it. It's about worshipping God with music and an attitude that is uncompromising, radical, militant and loud. Why? - because some of us were made like that!" - MaFt
"I read your letter with interest. I agree that the Sex Pistols are not a band that I would want preaching in my church. However, your argument may be a little dated these days - things have moved on quite a lot since 1978.
Punk has become a very community based scene, that actually does a great deal of good - charities such as the Syrenthia Savio Endowment and Take Action! are operated and funded by punks to help combat cancer, suffering, suicide and depression. Long before I was a christian I was attracted to the punk scene by the brotherly love often demonstrated within it.
If punk IS such a bad thing, then surely it makes sense to get these people into church, to tell them that there is a better way? If a nation a glue sniffing, rebellious youths began to serve God, wouldn't that be a dramatic change for the better in this world?
I agree that punk was founded in rebellion against the world order - but maybe you have forgotten that the founder of Christianity was nailed to a tree for being a rebel too." - Chris
"Hi, I have just read your letter on punk striking the wrong chord. Punk is and always has been about standing up for your beliefs, modern punk and hardcore music is based around politics, loving your friends, loving your family and making the world a better place, many of today’s hardcore punk bands are what is known as straight edge which means they abstain from alcohol, drugs and promiscuous sex so how is this a bad example to set to the youth of today?
Your ideas of what punk is somewhat upset me as you seem to have based it around one band that being the Sex Pistols and most likely one man namely Sid Vicious, Sid was a drug addict and battled many demons but to say every punk is like that is ridiculous, its like saying everyone who kicks a football is a cocaine addict because Robbie Fowler was.
As Christian Punks we try to show the world that there is another way, a better way to live your life, a life with God, we do this through a medium that people can relate to that being punk music.
I’m sure if you had attended the punk worship night at Sunbridge Mission you would have seen the positive effect that punk music can have on the world and I expect that your views would have been very different.
Please come along next time a punk worship event is held and see for yourself the good that it can do.
Thank you" - Steve
"Punk strikes wrong chord
SIR Sunbridge Road Mission holds a "Punk/Rock Worship event" (T&A, May 4), I know that Sunbridge Road has always been a church of lively Christian witness.
I am old enough to have listened to preaching by Fred Mitchell, one-time Darley Street chemist and Sunbridge Road stalwart who died in an early jet airliner accident as he returned from visiting a missionary enterprise in China.
Many young folk will gladly rock and roll in clubs and also, if encouraged, in church. But punk?
The weekly supplement of a provincial newspaper recently carried a nasty, sneering photograph of Johnny Rotten, punk pioneer. An article appreciative of the punk movement referred to a ground-breaking punk song Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue.
I recall a 13-year-old lad whom I taught more than 25 years ago pleasant-natured, willing, though not very bright. He was persuaded, perhaps by an older punk enthusiast, to do as that song suggested.
His behaviour, his whole nature, changed. I hope that punk ideas and practices did not wreck his subsequent life.
Douglas Hartley, Irving Terrace, Clayton"
A few responses have been sent so we'll see if any get published:
"Sir, as one of the organisers of the Punk Worship event at Sunbridge Road Mission I would like to respond to the comments made by Mr Hartley. Rock and punk music are very closely associated but the fact is, that the phrase 'punk' is to do with one's lifestyle. It is common knowledge that being 'punk' is about going against the grain of the world and breaking from the mould of the world - not sniffing glue as in the Ramones song you mentioned. Therefore, the 'punk' element of the night was not only the style of the music, but also about going against the world's non-Christian standards and actually worshipping a living God. The fact that 'punk' is associated with negative connotations is what we want to change and that change started last Saturday. The theme of the evening was about going all out for God and not caring what the world says about you, about putting God first and understanding that God accepts our worship and praise in whatever format we offer it. It's about worshipping God with music and an attitude that is uncompromising, radical, militant and loud. Why? - because some of us were made like that!" - MaFt
"I read your letter with interest. I agree that the Sex Pistols are not a band that I would want preaching in my church. However, your argument may be a little dated these days - things have moved on quite a lot since 1978.
Punk has become a very community based scene, that actually does a great deal of good - charities such as the Syrenthia Savio Endowment and Take Action! are operated and funded by punks to help combat cancer, suffering, suicide and depression. Long before I was a christian I was attracted to the punk scene by the brotherly love often demonstrated within it.
If punk IS such a bad thing, then surely it makes sense to get these people into church, to tell them that there is a better way? If a nation a glue sniffing, rebellious youths began to serve God, wouldn't that be a dramatic change for the better in this world?
I agree that punk was founded in rebellion against the world order - but maybe you have forgotten that the founder of Christianity was nailed to a tree for being a rebel too." - Chris
"Hi, I have just read your letter on punk striking the wrong chord. Punk is and always has been about standing up for your beliefs, modern punk and hardcore music is based around politics, loving your friends, loving your family and making the world a better place, many of today’s hardcore punk bands are what is known as straight edge which means they abstain from alcohol, drugs and promiscuous sex so how is this a bad example to set to the youth of today?
Your ideas of what punk is somewhat upset me as you seem to have based it around one band that being the Sex Pistols and most likely one man namely Sid Vicious, Sid was a drug addict and battled many demons but to say every punk is like that is ridiculous, its like saying everyone who kicks a football is a cocaine addict because Robbie Fowler was.
As Christian Punks we try to show the world that there is another way, a better way to live your life, a life with God, we do this through a medium that people can relate to that being punk music.
I’m sure if you had attended the punk worship night at Sunbridge Mission you would have seen the positive effect that punk music can have on the world and I expect that your views would have been very different.
Please come along next time a punk worship event is held and see for yourself the good that it can do.
Thank you" - Steve
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Video's Again
If you want a smaller version of the video I posted the other day, i.e. one that's not 45mb, then head over to http://blimation.com/temp/maft/ - Bli has kindly saved me some time by shrinkyfying the video and hosting it for me :) Cheers fella!
As Promised
Here they are, the promised newspaper cuttings:

And, in other news, my car keeps doing weird things... Not long after I set off I put my foot on the accelorator and the rev's drop and I don't get anywhere - this is most annoying when I pull out on someone only to have them get kinda mad at me for driving like a learner... I've no idea what it is but I've tried Red-Ex cos someone said it could be something sticking in the fuel line or something but that doesn't seem to have made a difference. Anyone have any other ideas?
PS - Barnze and I highly recommend Vans footwear. If you think it sucks then you're just a sorry loser.
And, in other news, my car keeps doing weird things... Not long after I set off I put my foot on the accelorator and the rev's drop and I don't get anywhere - this is most annoying when I pull out on someone only to have them get kinda mad at me for driving like a learner... I've no idea what it is but I've tried Red-Ex cos someone said it could be something sticking in the fuel line or something but that doesn't seem to have made a difference. Anyone have any other ideas?
PS - Barnze and I highly recommend Vans footwear. If you think it sucks then you're just a sorry loser.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Punk Worship Video
If you're on dial-up just stop reading here!!
Take a look at http://www.maft.co.uk/worship/media/reign.wmv for a 4minute video to get an idea of what the Punk Worship was about - it's 45mb so be warned!! Not sure if it will stream but if you have anything over 2mb broadband then I suspect it should. If not then right-click and download it.
Take a look at http://www.maft.co.uk/worship/media/reign.wmv for a 4minute video to get an idea of what the Punk Worship was about - it's 45mb so be warned!! Not sure if it will stream but if you have anything over 2mb broadband then I suspect it should. If not then right-click and download it.
Oh Yes!
Punk Worship on Saturday was amazing! Gruff and Mrs Gruff came up from Bristol, CHris came up from Sheffield, Steve came over from Manchester and Jim and Dianne came over from Lincoln/Wakefield too. We had over 100 people there and it was fantastic seeing so many young people just going all out worshipping God in a kick-ass punk stylee.
Feedback has been brilliant:
"...was a real blessing..."
"...could be a start of things to come..."
"when's the next one?"
"...everyone just let go of themselves, you could really feel the Holy Spirit..."
"amazing, absolutely amazing"
"...church as you've never seen it before!"
There's a few photo's on the Christian Punks forum (clicky here) and we made it into the T&A on both Friday and today. Friday's article is below and today's is just on the T&A web site for now - I'll scan it in and post once I get he actual paper.

Like I say, I'll post todays report once I've bought a paper and fired up my scanner again! I'm still overwhelmed by the response - especially from the older folk in church. I made a quick video clip to show them in the service on Sunday what we'd been up to and, to put it in the words of our friends the chav's, "dey woz well impressed, innit"
Laterz, innit :)
Feedback has been brilliant:
"...was a real blessing..."
"...could be a start of things to come..."
"when's the next one?"
"...everyone just let go of themselves, you could really feel the Holy Spirit..."
"amazing, absolutely amazing"
"...church as you've never seen it before!"
There's a few photo's on the Christian Punks forum (clicky here) and we made it into the T&A on both Friday and today. Friday's article is below and today's is just on the T&A web site for now - I'll scan it in and post once I get he actual paper.
Like I say, I'll post todays report once I've bought a paper and fired up my scanner again! I'm still overwhelmed by the response - especially from the older folk in church. I made a quick video clip to show them in the service on Sunday what we'd been up to and, to put it in the words of our friends the chav's, "dey woz well impressed, innit"
Laterz, innit :)
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Times Have Changed
Last week I got a letter in our local paper, The Telegraph & Argus, about the punk worship night on Saturday. You can read it here if you want. A couple of days later there was a brief paragraph about it in the 'news in brief' section - I'll try scan it in and post it here too. Then, today I got a phone call from a reporter from the T&A about the punk worship night.
Her questions were very specific and always came back to one thing: how many people would be 'dressed up as punks with mohawks, tattoos and piercings'? That was the exact phrase she used, 'dressed up'. Made me laugh but I kinda felt sorry for her too... I don't think she really listened when I told her people don't really do that anymore. Don't get me wrong, I know they're around but the current generation of punks don't go for the mohawk and leather jacket look. We go more for the baggy, skater clothes; the Vans and Airwalks rather than the Doc Martens.
Punk Rock is more of a style of music than a 'fashion' although there is a massive fashion based around the genre (as much as the people involved try to pretend it's not fashion). But to assume that punk is just about the mohawk is a bit naive, isn't it?! Especially when it's a church event - she didn't seem bothered about what we were doing, just what would make a 'cool picture'. Still, the nice reporter said she would try and get an article in on Friday as publicity for it so I can't complain at that!
Her questions were very specific and always came back to one thing: how many people would be 'dressed up as punks with mohawks, tattoos and piercings'? That was the exact phrase she used, 'dressed up'. Made me laugh but I kinda felt sorry for her too... I don't think she really listened when I told her people don't really do that anymore. Don't get me wrong, I know they're around but the current generation of punks don't go for the mohawk and leather jacket look. We go more for the baggy, skater clothes; the Vans and Airwalks rather than the Doc Martens.
Punk Rock is more of a style of music than a 'fashion' although there is a massive fashion based around the genre (as much as the people involved try to pretend it's not fashion). But to assume that punk is just about the mohawk is a bit naive, isn't it?! Especially when it's a church event - she didn't seem bothered about what we were doing, just what would make a 'cool picture'. Still, the nice reporter said she would try and get an article in on Friday as publicity for it so I can't complain at that!
Monday, May 08, 2006
MaFt Punk
Thought I'd blog this! I had an image sent from a band in Richmond Virginia that I thought was pretty cool! The band are called True Liberty and the image is clearly a rip off from daft punk's logo, but I liked it :D

Thursday, May 04, 2006
Dontcha Just Hate 'Em?!
Don't ya just hate people who get in the way of scientific research? They just spoil everything! I'm not talking about the Animal Liberation Front (I'm not linking to them cos they don't deserve it) or the terrorsists who steal the corpses of relatives of people are even slightly involved in vivisection... I'm not talking about the beurocratic folk who delay the building of new research centers or the agency's that decide not to provide grants to particular research projects.
I'm talking about Bli. He won't lend me one of his shiny new kittens to test if Kittensoft bog roll really is as soft as a kitten. One day you'll realise the error of your ways when you have some bogroll that scratches your piles and then you'll wish you hadn't hindered this valuable, scientific research. Perhaps, then, you'll wish you'd lent me a kitten to save me having to travel to foreign countries to source kittens that are treated far less favourably than Ebony & Liquorice's would have been. Perhaps, then, you might just think "oww, this bloody hurts" and forget all about my maniacal 'scientific' research while I struggle to win the coveted 'IgNobel Award'...
I'm talking about Bli. He won't lend me one of his shiny new kittens to test if Kittensoft bog roll really is as soft as a kitten. One day you'll realise the error of your ways when you have some bogroll that scratches your piles and then you'll wish you hadn't hindered this valuable, scientific research. Perhaps, then, you'll wish you'd lent me a kitten to save me having to travel to foreign countries to source kittens that are treated far less favourably than Ebony & Liquorice's would have been. Perhaps, then, you might just think "oww, this bloody hurts" and forget all about my maniacal 'scientific' research while I struggle to win the coveted 'IgNobel Award'...
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
I just got these off ebay for £24.17

Pretty funky eh? I always mock people who stay up late just to get something from ebay, now I'll just have to mock myself!
See ya, and nighty night!
Pretty funky eh? I always mock people who stay up late just to get something from ebay, now I'll just have to mock myself!
See ya, and nighty night!
How do they know? I mean, in this day and age of companies being sued for false descriptions on their products, how do they know that their toilet paper really is as soft as a kitten? I might try it out just to see, but unfortunately I don't know anyone with a kitten - offers anyone? I could do a test to see if it is Catsoft - making use of both Kia and Tinkle as test subjects.
Surely though, the degree of softness depends on personal reasoning? What may be soft on my arse is not neccesarily soft on yours. Just how soft is Kittensoft on The International Scale of Soft Things? The International Scale of Soft Things is pretty complex, as you can see below, but no matter how hard I look I can't see Kitten on there. Cat is on there if you look hard enough but not Kitten - maybe Kittensoft is a trademark for something that is actually Catsoft? Who knows...?
I wonder if Kittensoft bog roll has on its packaging "Not tested on animals"? Maybe it isn't tested ON animals but surely part of their tests should be using animals on peoples rear-ends?
Frankly the whole idea of Kittensoft bog-roll is a bit weird... even to me!
PS - Barnze, it's not made from kittens, it's just as soft as them ;(cheers for the idea too)
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