I never realised how many things we owned that had clocks in them. yesterday we spent ages finding all the things that needed the clocks changing on them - I wish more things would change automatically!
Here's a rough list of what we had to change:
3 x wall clock (2 x bedroom, lounge)
4 x watch (2 x digital, 2 x analogue)
2 x digital camera
1 x digital camcorder
1 x oven
1 x microwave
2 x vcr (for some reason they didn't change on their own this time)
1 x car clock
1 x mp3 player
The only things that changed on their own were the Telewest Digital box and the computer!
Also, everything seems to break at the same time too... our hoover blew up the other day, the microwave is on it's way out, there's a hole in the back of the fridge (but at least the light still works) and my monitor has started flickering and wobbling!