Monday, October 31, 2005


See Minge Here

I've been dying for something like this to happen with the Blogger word verification thing for comments... Shame that google won the race!


Breaking The Clocks

I never realised how many things we owned that had clocks in them. yesterday we spent ages finding all the things that needed the clocks changing on them - I wish more things would change automatically!

Here's a rough list of what we had to change:
3 x wall clock (2 x bedroom, lounge)
4 x watch (2 x digital, 2 x analogue)
2 x digital camera
1 x digital camcorder
1 x oven
1 x microwave
2 x vcr (for some reason they didn't change on their own this time)
1 x car clock
1 x mp3 player

The only things that changed on their own were the Telewest Digital box and the computer!

Also, everything seems to break at the same time too... our hoover blew up the other day, the microwave is on it's way out, there's a hole in the back of the fridge (but at least the light still works) and my monitor has started flickering and wobbling!



Friday, October 28, 2005

Back Safe

Been away for a week with family - getting called Aunt Maff by Neice-P! Family back from Mexico, shaken up but alive. Will post more later.


Sunday, October 23, 2005

Update On The Hurricane Wilma Thing...

Got a text today from Brother-A. It'd have been quite funny but given the circumstances I feel pretty damn sorry for them all.

"had no signal for a few days. But ok. Very hell actually. Left cinema, staying in piss filled car park 4 now All ok but nobody knows whats going on."

We were pissed that our vacuum cleanerjust blew up, but I guess that message kinda reminds me that things could be worse...


PS - cheers for your concern guys (Barnze & Bli - must be a 'B' thing)

Friday, October 21, 2005

Panicing A Bit

Brother-A, Future-Sis-In-Law-S, Mum, Dad and S's parents are all in Mexico at the moment for the wedding. Last we heard they had been evacuated to Cancun, then again to a cinema and given a pillow and a blanket...

This sucks, it was supposed to be a happy time and I'm guessing the wedding on the island of Cozumel won't be happening on Monday...


Thursday, October 20, 2005


I am officially a First Aider and officially tired. See ya soon!

First Aid


Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Evenin' all! Not blogged for a few days for a couple of reasons - we've started decorating the attic for proper now (and I'm tellin' ya, it's bloody hard painting with a small child. Their hair gets matted with paint for onething...) and I'm on a First Aid At Work course with old St. John so no interwebnet during the day :(

Anyway, got to get back to decorating but thought I should let ya know I aint dead!


Friday, October 14, 2005

Since When Has A Geek Been So Popular?

My geek site has had 993 visits in the last 11 days! Wow, I'm impressed! I've also earned 74cents from Google AdSense since yesterday! That's where the money is, forget making the lives of diabetics easier...


More Good News

Exubera has been approved for use in the EU - more info here: Nektar Press Release.

Steve-The-Builder has finished his part of the work, all that remains now is to patch in all the bits he missed (why can't professionals ever get it right?) and decorate away! It's just finding time to do it that's the problem...

Might post something more interesting later!


Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Just followed a link on Barnze's blog to this forum thread by him: This Is Nottingham Forums

Made me laugh!! I mean, how can anyone not see the funny side of his posts? Even me, a cat lover (well, not really lover, usually cat luster - ya see they don't cry so much when they realise they've been used...) found some of them hilarious! Especially the Dyson one!

Check them out, and check out his cat-hating site too.



This is my 128th post to this blog accoring to the Blogger Dashboard. Wow, 128 generally pointless articles ranging from badgers and cat murders to building design and fences. What a fascinating world I live in. Just a shame no one else is on the same planet...

Steve-The-Builder has nearly finished "The Great Attic Conversion" - which is nice, cos it means we'll be able to resume normality again and maybe live in a dust-free house. I bet it's done wonders to our lungs!

Mrs-L dropped her sprog the other day (congrats by the way, just in case you ever read this!) - they named him Mini-Mr&Mrs-L - it's a bit of a mouthful but it helps with anonymity ;) I was thinking on the way home yesterday (I do lots of random thinking when I'm on my bike) that if Mini-MaFt had been a girl it would have been a nightmare! Imagine having to write Mini-Mrs-MaFt every time?! That'd be four extra keystrokes every time (s)he was mentioned. It'd give me a high score in the non-existant National Alliteration Championships though. I'd have had aching hands by now, especially after 128 posts.

See ya!


Monday, October 10, 2005


Badger Cull Must Be Considered

Kill the badgers? Why? All the one that I've seen has been dead anyway... What a waste of money, who cares if a cow has TB? It's gonna get cut up and eaten anyway.

For once, I'm on the side of the environmentalists - I don't think we should kill (let's face it, 'cull' is just a nice word for 'kill') the badgers. First of all they look ace and second of all I'd like to see at least one living one...


Why Won't Anything Work Proper?!

Very tired, rather busy too! So short entry today!

So, here’s what I’ve been up to:

  • Painting stair-well before new steps get put in (Steve-The-Builder has almost finished now)
  • Seeing Brother-A and Future-Sister-in-Law-S off with a meal at the Connection last night (they’re off to Mexico to get married)
  • Being woken up lots at night with a whingy Mini-MaFt who has decided he doesn’t want to sleep much (both me and Mrs-MaFt are knackered)
  • Trying to sort out problems with the mailing list on the i3 site I did last week (note to self: don’t even bother trying to learn PHP – let the professionals do it and just steal their code!)
  • Trying to get Outlook to book a room for a meeting at work (everyone else can do it, just not me…)

Anyway, that’s it for now! Will post more when I’m more awake and no so p**sed off!


Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I left my lunch at home... I'm hungry... I'm not looking forward to toast from the staff kitchen... I need more than that...



PS - how's my melodramatical skills?

Monday, October 03, 2005

I've Been A Geek

I’ve been a bit of a geek… On the Pocket GPS World forums I’m seen as a bit of a guru in terms of the Garmin i3 SatNav we got the other month. Mainly because I like to mess with stuff and figured out how to get the speed camera database and loads of other POI’s (points of interest) onto it. So, fed up of being asked lots of questions about it (but rather pleased to be thanked so many times) I decided to set up one of those really geeky ‘How To’ web pages at – it looks really crap at the moment but it didn’t take long to knock up. I intend making it a bit more of a mini-site with a few separate sections rather than just a single page, but it got twenty nine visits in the first three hours which isn’t bad! I’ve also had two emails already from people asking to be told when I upload a new file.

Groovy! Oh, to be popular!
